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Privacy Policy

 APKGAME mission is to build the most amazing and fun playground for all of you. And to do that, we must understand you and show you what you want through a variety of ways, including the collection and use of your personal information.

What you are reading will provide you with information about how we collect, use, disclose and transfer, including your personal information. Because this information is related to the law, it can be quite confusing and we will try to explain everything in a way that is easy to understand. We welcome your comments and feedback regarding this Privacy Policy.

1. What information we collect

As soon as you join the playground called APKGAME, we receive and collect and store information about you. This work goes on continuously as you work on our playground.

1.1. Your registration information

When you sign up for or use APKGAME, you voluntarily provide us with certain information. This includes your display name, email address, profile picture, comments, and any other information you provide to us.

1.2. Your content

Obviously, we are obligated to collect the content you submit to APKGAME, then our system will transform them into the most interesting spiritual food that you make for others. in this playground. Includes articles, comments, reviews…

If you upload images to the website, you should avoid posting images that contain information about your location (EXIF GPS). We do not use this information and have a mechanism to automatically remove them all before making them publicly available for your safety.

We also use “cookies” (small text files sent by your computer every time you visit our website, unique to your APKGAME account or browser) or similar technologies to Record log data. When we use cookies or other similar technologies, we use session cookies (until you close your browser) or persistent cookies (until you or the browser delete them). For example, We use cookies to store your language preferences or other settings so you don't have to set them up every time you visit APKGAME. Some of the cookies we use are linked to your APKGAME account (including information about you, such as the email address you provided us) and others are not.

1.4. Your IP address and user agent

Your IP address and user agent may be saved by our firewall service every time you visit this website.

2. How We Use Your Information

I don't know why the "stupid" guys who run APKGAME get their information, they must immediately read the information below. We will explain in detail how your information is used.

We have a responsibility to ensure the safety of your information, your privacy by keeping the system secure, safe and always have backup solutions.

We will store your information until APKGAME is no longer active, or when you request to remove your own information from our system.

What we collect from you will be provided, analyzed, managed, improved and personalized services to:

2.1. Keep the system stable

Obviously we always have to keep the playing field stable. There's a lot of people involved and we don't want this playground to have any problems. So we will identify, investigate and take action against prohibited, fraudulent or illegal activities.

The information also helps us better detect spam and stop bad behavior before it's ever done.

2.2. Keeping you always satisfied with us

You will not have to waste time choosing a language or logging in every time you visit this website. By using the information you provide, we may determine your personal interests, geographic location, etc., in order to show you the things you want and are most relevant to you.

2.3. Stay in touch with you through the contact method you provide

Sometimes we want to send you some small suggestions, or some announcements, or other things related to our services. By using your contact information, we will be able to easily connect with you, as well as get your honest feedback.

2.4. Comply with the decision, lawful request from a management level, government agency of any country

3. With whom do we share your data?

We do not share and will never share your information with any other 3rd party. While we're comfortable on the playground, that doesn't mean we give up on your privacy.

4. Your Rights

If you have an account at APKGAME, you can edit any information we store such as email, display name, password and similar information.

You are not required to use your real name when joining APKGAME, we respect your privacy and anonymity.

You also have the right to request that we delete all information about you.

5. Changes to this privacy policy

Nothing is eternal. And so is this privacy policy. We may therefore make some changes to this document from time to time. When we make changes to the terms of this privacy policy that we consider important, we will let you know through the service or by email. By continuing to use our services after the changes are made, you agree to accept the changes.

APKGAME journey continues with your companion. And even though APKGAME is extremely simple and funny, we are always serious about anyone's privacy and personal information.

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